Safely removing medicine residues from wastewater
A new treatment plant removes residues of active ingredients from the wastewater at a pharmaceutical company in Southeast Europe
Multi-stage wastewater treatment plant consisting of the Biomar® OMB membrane biological
process, Flomar® pressure release flotation and additional physicochemical cleaning steps
Residues of active ingredients from the production of medicines often survive standard wastewater
treatment methods and pose a significant risk to humans and the environment.
A biotechnology and pharmaceutical company with a global presence tasked EnviroChemie with planning,
constructing and commissioning a wastewater treatment plant for production at a site in Southeast Europe.
Active substances from medicine production must be reliably removed from the wastewater so that it can
then be discharged safely.
First, EnviroChemie’s experts took to their own laboratory to determine the optimum combination of
processes for removing the active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) from the wastewater. A combination
of the Biomar® OMB membrane biological process, Flomar® pressure release flotation and physicochemical
procedures is used to treat the wastewater.
EnviroChemie worked in close coordination with the customer to design and build the system, which
achieves an output of 46 m³/h.
The new wastewater treatment plant has been in operation since October 2024. Thanks to the innovative solution that has been installed here, the treated water can be safely discharged into the public wastewater system.
To operate the plant, the company purchases water treatment products from EnviroChemie that are perfectly tailored to the wastewater treatment process.
With the new treatment system, medicine residues are reliably removed from the wastewater, which can then be discharged into the public sewer system. The fully automated and visualised system is easy to use.