

Discovering hidden potential in dairy water technology. Our industry experts know all about the water technology requirements in milk processing.

Sustainable plant solutions and comprehensive service portfolio

Dairies use water at many different junctures. Fresh water, boiler feed water, cooling water and vapour condensate must be treated in such a way that the water can be used sustainably and is reliably available. We can show you how to operate your plant energy-efficiently at optimised operating and disposal costs.

Our industry experts form an integrated overview of your milk processing procedures, along with the water flows and cycles involved. No matter if production conditions or requirements change, we will work with you to develop sustainable concepts offering savings opportunities.

Typical tasks for which we offer solutions:

  • Plant optimisation: performance, operating costs, automation
  • Phosphorus recovery
  • Biogas production from wastewater and liquid waste
  • Water recovery, e.g. vapour condensate treatment
  • Hygienically safe cooling water treatment
  • Avoidance of noise and odour emissions

Choose from our range of services: 


Multi-stage biological wastewater treatment for a large dairy
Anaerobic liquid waste treatment from a dairy in Morocco


“With the Lugan wastewater treatment plant from EnviroChemie, we reliably clean our wastewater to the required limits for discharge into the sewer. For plant operation, we use the app WaterExpert from EnviroChemie, which gives us easy access regardless of location."

Michael Schaible, Stadler Rail AG

“Both personally and in the name of Rauch Serbia, I would like to thank the team from EnviroChemie for their hard work and dedication. If I am asked which company realises good wastewater treatment plants, I will be happy to recommend EnviroChemie."

Dipl.-Ing. Ljiljana Pavlović, Cold Storage Manager (Rauch Serbia), Rauch

“Our new, sustainable solar cell production site is equipped with cutting-edge water treatment technology, as well as a water recycling plant, a vital component. This means we can save resources. And it would not have been possible without the impressive work from EnviroChemie and EnviroFALK.”

André Rolle, Head of Fab Engineering, Meyer-Burger

“We selected the EnviroChemie technology solution after an extensive technology assessment by Ricardo Energy and Environment based on the options available in the market at this scale. Working in partnership with EnviroChemie has produced a highly innovative solution to achieve our net zero requirements."

Neil Robertson, Abbey Ecosse

"We confirm that the dairy's wastewater treatment plant was installed in accordance with recognised technical rules and successfully commissioned. We have been satisfied with the installation and the support of EnviroChemie, the manufacturer of the plant. We recommend EnviroChemie as a competent specialist for industrial wastewater treatment."

EDF Fénice Maroc SAS

Reference projects

Moroccan dairy cuts carbon footprint by recycling liquid waste

A large dairy uses a tailor-made plant solution from EnviroChemie to recycle its liquid waste and efficiently reduce energy consumption and operating costs.

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The hidden potential in dairies

Dairies use water for many different stages in the production process. There are often potential savings to be made here in terms of resources and energy. To achieve this, however, an integral view is required, since the cycles used in dairies, which have often grown over the years, are highly…

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Treating vapour condensate – reducing water footprint

A multi-national dairy co-operative wanted to treat its vapour condensate sustainably at a German site and thus reduce its fresh water requirements and operating costs.

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Energy from wastewater

The Norrmejerier dairies generate energy, conserve resources and reduce operating costs using a Biomar® anaerobic wastewater treatment system.

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Hochland purifies wastewater with energy-efficient Biomar® plant

With all-year-round reliability, the resource-efficient Biomar® aerobic technology reduces costs

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